We enjoyed yet another day of sunshine and 30+ degrees today. That prompted us to walk around a few of our vineyards tasting and evaluating the ripening grapes. We focussed on the earlier ripening varietals today and ended up taking proper berry samples of Pinot Gris and Chardonnay. The canopy looks healthy and should be plenty powerful to push through for a great harvest.
Blind Creek Chardonnay: 21.2 Brix, 10.5 g/litre acidity, 3.15 pH
Blind Creek Pinot Gris: 22 Brix, 11.5 g/litre acidity, 3.11 pH
These grapes are on the Cawston Bench and have benefitted from all of the sunshine in the last 6 weeks. The flavours are ultimately what will determine when we pick but we will continue to sample and monitor. Picking next week? Stay tuned. More samples from different blocks and varietals will happen throughout the next week.
What's the target, 23 Brix?